There’s more than just browsing the shops in town. Let’s take a look at my latest post, Colorado Travel, what to do around Estes Park.

Larry and Bev, our blogging friends from Tennessee, have been threatening to head to the Wild West for over a year now, and their long awaited visit finally became reality. Their 4,000 mile journey included a stop to the Denver area and I must say, it was a pleasure to finally meet “the breakfast king” in person, his lovely wife Bev and dogs Sweetie Pie and Coco. And just as I imagined, a fun, gracious and lovely bunch they were. We truly felt as if we had known them as close friends for years.
I couldn’t resist staging a photo in front of my favorite white-eyed cowboy sign just outside Rocky Mountain National Park. I commend Larry for being able to squint and smile at the same time in the harsh mountain morning sun.
But let’s start from the beginning. They arrived in Highlands Ranch from their RV park in West Denver about 1:00 in the afternoon. We enjoyed a short sight-seeing trip to nearby historic Highlands Ranch Mansion …
…followed by a quick foodie side trip to Savory Spice Shop where Larry and Bev stocked up on spices for themselves and their daughter. At about the same price as gold, Larry bought some truffled sea salt. The in store sampling tasted INcredible and I look forward to a blog post on how he uses it (hint..hint). We stopped next door at EVOO Olive Oil, a tasting bar where we all enjoyed an adventure in pairing olive oils with balsamic vinegars.
That evening at our house, we enjoyed a delicious bottle of North Georgia Chardonnay that Larry and Bev brought from a recent wine-tasting trip with Sam and Meakin (My Carolina Kitchen) followed by a dinner of chicken enchiladas with tomato cream sauce. Since I was too busy sipping, cooking and visiting to take photos, I swiped this one from Larry’s blog.
The next day we took separate cars for an overnight tip to Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park. Traveling in tandem, we took the scenic route through Loveland and up the Big Thompson Canyon. I bullied everyone into another quick stop at The Colorado Cherry Company for lots of browsing for jams, jellies, ciders and everything “cherry”.
Further up the canyon was a picnic lunch at Viestenz-Smith Park. Our table sat on a lush grassy area with the Big Thompson River on one side and a beautiful little pond behind us. And nestled deep within the canyon walls of the Big Thompson, it was certainly an oasis of scenery. We snacked on apples, cheese, crackers and salami while enjoying a picture perfect Colorado Fall day.
As we were leaving the park, I couldn’t resist taking this photo of Larry’s co-pilot Sweetie Pie. That’s how she rides.
Closer to Estes Park, our next stop was at the town of Glen Haven. All of two blocks long, it’s home to Glen Haven General Store. Established in 1920, it’s a very popular stop for homemade cinnamon rolls, gifts and antique atmosphere. Bev and I had to browse the Pony Track Trading Company next door. An ominously dark entrance shrouded in some sort of vine opened to a den full of turquoise jewelry, art and antiques.
Once settled at our Dog Friendly cabin in Estes, we headed out for drive to view the fall colors and the mountain vistas in Rocky Mountain National Park. Unfortunately, due to forest fires in Oregon and Montana, our vistas were smoky and hillsides full of golden Aspens were only captured in close up photos.
We encountered wildlife, big and small.
Back at the cabin, we set up camp on the deck for some wine…
…an appetizer of shrimp cocktail and then my simple posole for dinner.
The next morning after some more sightseeing in the park, we all stood in a parking lot overlooking this meadow. Just the day before, this same meadow unfolded the drama of two good sized elk herds with male bulls actively guarding the separation of the two harems.
On this day the elk were no where in sight and we enjoyed a serene snapshot of this couple getting married.
I’m so sentimental and not very good with goodbyes. So without much fanfare, and a some heartfelt hugs, we said our goodbye’s, with us heading to Highlands Ranch and Larry and Bev back to the RV Park.
We had a great visit with our friends from Tennessee. Thank you Larry and Bev for including Highlands Ranch in your travel plans. For Larry’s version of the visit head over to his blog.
Want more Estes Park, don’t miss my post about Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park.
Posole and Friends…It’s What’s for Dinner.
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So jealous that they got to meet you guys first;)
Aren’t Larry and Bev the best? Hopefully y’all find your way east some time:)
It sounds like you had a wonderful visit with Larry and Bev. I’ve visited Larry’s blog so many times that I feel like I know them too. I remember seeing a herd of elk in Estes Park when my family and I visited there several years ago. So beautiful!
We did have a WONderful visit with Larry and Bev. Who can beat wine, food, scenery and friends.
Oh my gosh, how fun! I’d love to meet up with all of you!
Colorado is a great place to visit Joanne! Come on out. 🙂
yeah, I read ol’ Larry bragging on your enchiladas which got me hankering for some…
I know y’all had a great visit, all of you are such nice folks, it shows ya know… and what great views and scenery you have, wow… great food pics too, but I think the lone couple getting married kinda touched me the most…
Thanks Drick! We had a great time meeting Larry and Bev. That lone couple getting married was very cool. There was no one with them, no family or friends, just the preacher, the photographer and that beautiful meadow.
How fun! What a great foodie visit!
Thanks RMW! Always enjoy hearing from you.
I love that Larry and Bev got to visit you… and thanks for sharing it with us!!
You’re welcome Jenn!
Larry and Bev do get around, don’t they 🙂 What a fun and beautiful visit you had with them!
Yes they do! And I’m glad they got around to us. We had a great visit.
While the internet isn’t always a good thing, this shows how it brings people together. In the mid-nineties I met a very special person (actually 2) because of a common interest, and it resulted in a wonderful friendship. You know who you are 🙂
I now get to read your blog and share in your life and interests…and even get to visit now and then. All thanks to a post about White Pelicans in the mid-nineties.
The rest is history. A wonderful history that I’m grateful for.
Nice job – as always. I love visiting Colorado and it’s so nice to see others enjoying a most wonderful part of the country.
I’m so glad you took the time to write this. Every time I see a white pelican I think of that. 🙂 I am also ery grateful for that history and the friendships that have developed. Hugs.
How fun! Gorgeous pictures 🙂 Looks like a very fun time!
Thanks Jane. We were just over the hill, we should have invited you over for some posole.
Fun visit and such great photos! The Doolittle’s seem like such fun people, I hope they can make it up here next time. The smoke is sure a pain this year. I don’t remember it being this bad for this long since moving up here. 🙁
You missed a great visit Vicie. I was so disappointed they had to cut their trip short That smoke really put a damper on our views. darnit.
What a nice couple of days Lea Ann. Thanks for including us in your visit.
Thanks Karen.
Nothing makes dinner better than sharing it with friends. Your sight seeing trip sounds wonderful Lea Ann and so does dinner. Having the opportunity to meet blogging friends is one of the best things about blogging.
While you guys got together, we met Susan & Dale from the Schnitzel & The Trout. Their daughter and her family just moved to our area, so we had lunch. You’re right. It feels like we’ve know other bloggers for years. Thanks for this post. I’ve been looking forward to it.
Thanks for the comment Sam. I saw that on your blog, but have been so busy at work I’m behind on my reading.
Oh,Larry was visiting. How much fun. Looks like you had a great time. I loved seeing all the pictures!
Yes Kirsten, it was a whirlwind of a two day visit.
Very nice LA and as much as she’d like to, Sweetie doesn’t get to ride co-pilot in the RV. I think you’ll like my next two trip posts. I wish I had as much hair as Bob.
Thanks Larry. And LOL, Bob’s hair was pretty long, overdue for a haircut. 🙂