1poundshrimpmedium or large, preferably American Wild Caught
1TablespoonOld Bay Seasoningadd a wedge of lemon if you'd like.
½cupsweet onionminced, or yellow onion.
¼cuplime juice
¼teaspoonKosher salt
1Cuptomatofinely chopped. One medium tomato.
½CupcucumberAbout ¼ of a medium cucumber. Peeled and minced.
½CupceleryMinced. About 1 medium stalk.
¼Cupgreen bell pepperminced
¼Cupjalapeno pepperminced, about 1 medium pepper
3tablespoonsGreen Oliveschopped, pitted
2cupsTomato JuiceOr Clamato
2dasheshot sauceto taste (I used lots)
1avocadocut into small cubes
½avocadosliced into wedges
chile powder & black pepperI like Chimayo Chile Powder, or ancho
To Cook The Shrimp: Bring 2 quarts of water to a boil. Add the Old Bay seasoning to water. Add shrimp and bring back to a boil. Remove from heat and rest for about 3 minutes – drain and chill shrimp. Reserve 4 - 8 of the shrimp for garnish. Remove tails from the rest of the shrimp and chop or slice.
In a glass bowl, combine onions, lime juice and salt, stir and rest for 15-20 minutes as you chop the remaining ingredients.
Add the minced tomato, cucumber, celery, bell pepper, jalapeno, and green olives. Stir well.
Add tomato juice, chopped or sliced shrimp and several dashes of hot sauce – cover and chill for 1-2 hours.
Just before serving, stir in cilantro and chopped avocado. Spoon into four margarita glasses and garnish with a lime wedge, a whole shrimp or a slice of avocado. Or all.
Sprinkle with chile powder and freshly cracked black pepper. Serve with saltine crackers or tortilla chips and hot sauce on the side.
Tips for Success:
Spend the extra few dollars and purchase quality shrimp. Shrimp that tastes like shrimp. It's the secret to a really good Campechana. Seek out wild caught shrimp from the Gulf of Mexico.
Use good knife skills here. Evenly chopped vegetables results in pride in skill set and a professional appearance of this dish.