Slice the baked potatoes in half and using a grapefruit spoon, scoop out the flesh, leaving about ¼ inch layer of potato. Place the flesh in a bowl.
Turn the potatoes over and slice a very thin piece from the potato, only if the potato isn't sitting straight. This is necessary so the potato will sit level so the egg won't run out once we get to that step.
Add the butter, cream and salt and pepper to the potato flesh. Microwave on high at 30 second intervals, stirring after each 30 seconds. Heat until butter has melted and blending in and the potatoes are easily rough mashed.
Place the potatoes on a baking sheet lined with parchment or sprayed with non-stick cooking spray. Scoop some of the potato mixture into the potato shells. Note, you'll have potato mixture left over, there's simply not enough room to fit all of the mashed potatoes back in. Save them for a side dish for dinner.
Sprinkle cheese over each of the potatoes. Using the back of a spoon, make a well in the potatoes.
Carefully crack an egg into each potato shell. Bake at 350 degrees until eggs reach desired doneness. For a slightly runny yolk, this will take about 15 - 20 minutes.
Garnish with chopped chives, New Mexico red chile powder, or a dollop of sour cream.
Tips For Success:
Cradle the potato in the palm of your hand while you scoop out the flesh, this will help keep the sides from collapsing.
Make sure you've not poked any holes in the potato skin as you were scooping them. If so, press some of the mashed potatoes against the hole.
Poached Eggs: If you feel comfortable poaching eggs, the cooking time will be reduced significantly. Bake the assembled potatoes for about 10 minutes. Poach eggs for 50 seconds. Remove potatoes from the oven and top each with a poached egg. Return to oven and cook for about 5 minutes.
Garnish: Garnish with diced fresh chives, or a sprinkle of New Mexico Red Chile Powder or Paprika.
Use my Garlic Butter Baked Potato Recipe, the mild garlic flavor will add a lovely layer of flavors to these breakfast baked potatoes.